Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Christmas from the Cranford Family

So I totally slacked this year and didn't get Christmas cards out! Kristen tried helping me out by creating the cutest card for us, but I was insistent on taking the pictures myself and I couldn't get a decent one of Levi. So, Merry Christmas, here are a few that I got of the kids in front of the Christmas tree. Remember, I got a new camera and I've been shooting ONLY in manual so my pictures are an indication of how much I have to learn. You can also tell by their outfit changes, that these were taken over a few different "sessions". 

(Edited by Kristen)

Yeah, he looks silly, I forgot to button his onesie.....

 This was the card that I had intentions of mailing out, but the picture for Levi wasn't in focus and I waited to long to send Kristen a more clear picture. This was created by Kristen Vest