Happy Father's day to my husband, James! He is such a great daddy to Cori. He exceeded my expectations long ago. He is a very laid back parent and I see me being the one enforcing rules as our kids get older....but he is by far the best dad I could have chosen for my kids. He is fun and outgoing and he and Cori and play for hours just laughing and having a ball. I can't wait for him to hold his son for the first time!
I asked Cori reason's she loves her daddy and here are a few of her responses:
"I like daddy because he feeds the puppies"
"Daddy is my best friend"
"Daddy drives a white truck"
"I like when daddy throws the pink ball and I can hit it"
"Daddy shares his TV with me"
"I love when Daddy gives me kisses"
there were a few more but they were silly responses b/c I was laughing her her so her silly got worse and worse...I think she said something like "I love Daddy b/c he has stinky feet"
Father's Day 2009
Father's Day 2010
Father's Day 2011
Love, love, LOVE the three Father's Day pictures! You know what's weird? In the second picture, she's only a little younger than she was when you came to visit us! Crazy how fast time flies!