We went today for Levi's helmet fitting. It went well. The dr. came in with the helmet, put it on him & marked where adjustments needed to be made. Once she walked out the door I lost it. I felt so sorry for this little boy who is going to be stared at not because he is so handsome & adorable, but because he looks like he's about to go bike riding. (even Cori thinks its a bike helmet.) he is just so tiny & I can't help but to blame myself. I wish I would have ignored everyone who says back sleeping is the way to go. If I would have listened to my mom & all the other mothers & laid him on his tummy we wouldn't be in this situation. I wish I could go back for a re-do. Anyway I got myself together before she came back in & eased up a bit. Who cares if people stare. Who cares what they think. He's still my little bundle of perfect no matter what. I'm getting used to it already & he seems to be handling it just fine too. He doesn't have to sleep in it for a a week or so so right now he's in the "getting used to it" stage. I think he will do fine. Three months to go!
He's so cute, I think.
I MY WORD!!!!!! He is ADORABLE!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Holly!
DeleteRemember...poo poo on people who stare! They are only ignorant. The camo print is adorable, but not as adorable as Levi! He looks even more grown up than he did a few weeks ago!