Monday, May 21, 2012

Mixed emotions!!

So we put our very first home on the market to sell. I'm excited & sad at the same time!! This has been an emotional roller coaster for me! This was the first house James & I bought a month after we got married. I brought both of Babies home to this house. So many memories have been made over the last 5 years here! My parents (built in sitters) live 3 houses down too. (where I grew up since 2nd grade) I can stand on the sidewalk in front of my house and my mom can stand in front of her house and Cori can run between houses. It's been SO nice to live so close. My mom is very upset about the sign in our yard and is trying very hard to keep her cool with me. She knows that we are not moving because of her. Our neighborhood is wonderful, and cozy and everyone knows everyone. Unfortunately, after an ISD rezone, we got stuck in some not so great schools within the ISD. I can't even begin to think of Cori attending the schools, and I almost fainted when I started calling for prices on private schools. We knew when we bought this house that it wasn't going to be forever, but five years sure did come quicker than we expected. We still have 2 years before Cori starts school but we have no idea how long it will take to sell our house. Wish us luck - we are hopefully headed to a better school district.


  1. ...and away from your parents?!?!?

    Good luck!!

    1. omg yes - I should have mentioned that. I'll edit now.

  2. Oh my goodness!!! Where do you think you'll move to? Where would Cori have gone to school with the rezone?

    1. I think a while back it was switched to where North Hollow went to Jack Fields, but now its back to Cori going to Lakeland, and I'm not having that!
